BJM: How To Achieve Less Annoying Marketing & More Effective Marketing 101

Create LESS ANNOYING Marketing

Everyday someone wants your attention and wants you to act on their message, join their cause, act on their promo,buy their stuff, their unbelievable solutions to your problems…if you take our courses. Oh…don’t get us started with the endless peddling of fear, urgency and misinformation – –This one became a close experience when we and others kept receiving daily email blast by a popular author, who also is the occasional media talking head, Robert K (Hint: Something Dad ….Poor Dad). Dear Founders, Startups & Small Medium Businesses blasting your marketing everyday at every hour is annoyance not effective marketing. Plus, you waste time & money!!

Hey Robert K, if you’re so wise why do you talk too much? Good books Roberts but Why are you blasting our mailbox with your s_-__ everyday at every hour without our permission? With email subject lines like the following: 1, “Biden wants to “turn off” your money 2, “Creepy joe opened the gate for a Trojan Horse” 3, “about the effing storm on the horizon…” ….We could go on however that’s not the point to this content.

In our opinion, Robert you say you want to make people financially empowered yet you and many others in your position are just sometimes mind f_-__ people for your own bottom-line. Kevin O’Leary, Susan Orman, Grant Cardone, Dave Ramsey, Michelle Singletary, Christine Benz, Nicole Lapin, Tiffany Aliche, Erin Lowry, Ramit Sethi, Peter Theil, Elon Musk and other financial personalities.

“Peter Thiel (His VC firm Founders Fund) reportedly made $1.8 billion cashing out an 8-year bet on crypto – when he was still touting a massive bitcoin price surge” Source BusinessInsider

“Thiel predicted bitcoin’s price would surge 100 times around the same time his fund was reportedly selling its crypto holdings.” Source BusinessInsider

In addition, remember readers all advice has to be taken with a grain of salt, regardless of the source.

Again, just cause the “R” word is being thrown around now on the news doesn’t mean your marketing needs to be f_-__ annoying.

Let’s Begin…..


These are the signs when your marketing is just getting on the nerves of your prospects and customers. As you continue to read, remember you are just wasting your time, money and damaging your reputation when you’re just annoying people and business with your bad marketing.

  • Not keeping your hunger in check or your desperation for a response and / or sale in check
  • Not checking to creating content that’s not just keyword stuffing and content trying too hard
  • Not making sure you are not picking the wrong color scheme, font size, layout for your target
  • Not making sure your form doesn’t requests unnecessary information
  • Not making sure your app only seeks permission it needs to work
  • Not making sure taking valuable time out of peoples busy lives and focus is a win
  • Not having different forms for different purpose like email subscribers form and contact us form
  • Not doing enough to protect and keep safe people’s information
  • Not taking your business privacy policy and hardware infrastructure seriously
  • Not giving people a way to correct or update or delete some information
  • Not giving users a chance to explore your site before the popups and promos appear
  • Not providing all the features of security, safety and credibility
  • Not picking the right-must-have content to be gated
  • Not providing some clarity of pricing, requirement and benefits
  • Not providing information that your business is being socially responsible
  • Not considering your marketing frequency carefully that will achieve the goal without annoying
  • Not asking yourself how often do your target want to hear from you
  • Not customizing content for different mediums and people / targets
  • Not being considerate that most don’t want default video auto-play
  • Not realizing that too much text copy on your ads just gets ignored
  • Not making sure you put customers on call hold or wait-list or call back for short minutes
  • Not having flexibility to accommodate for unique situations
  • Not making sure that quality of attention is better than everyone’s attention
  • Not making sure that once you get attention you keep it and respect it
  • Not making sure to put your best effort forward
  • Not preventing your legit email message from getting to spam
  • Not making sure the SPF record for your domain includes all email senders for your domain.
  • Not checking regularly that your domain isn’t listed as unsafe with Google Safe Browsing
  • Not realizing if you annoy anyone long enough they will ignore you forever
  • Not using automation wisely and within reason
  • Not making it easy to unsubscribe
  • Not realizing some countries and regions restrict automatic opt-in
  • Not realizing if they have no interest or show no interest in what you are offering let them go
  • Not realizing If you advertise a live webinar you have to do it live
  • Not being empathetic with peoples fears and problems
  • Not acknowledging that no one likes a know it all
  • Not keeping your ego, show-off and hone-blowing in check
  • Not keeping your insecurity in check
  • Not being grateful
  • Not realizing being pushy or too aggressive is annoying
  • Not stopping bait and switch or misleading offers
  • Not stopping the constant lying
  • Not stopping guilt call-to-action like “You Must Be Dumb, If You Don’t Buy This Book”
  • Adding people to your email / call list without getting explicit permission, introduction or a sign-up
  • Not taking the time to warm your prospects or leads
  • Not building your credibility, adopting & practicing good business values


  • Pay more attention to your customers verbal and nonverbal behaviors
  • Assess the quality of your engagements, feedback, criticism
  • Have a growth mindset culture that keeps getting better
  • Assess what you do and imagine being in the customers shoes or mailbox
  • Target better and stop blasting to everyone unless you sell goods everyone (100%) consume
  • Realizing that not everyone is the right fit for your product or service anyway
  • Be cautious if someone or company has all the answers or needs everything you sell
  • Anything that cannot be delivered should not be promised
  • There are somethings and at some moments you want to put in CAPS or BOLD
  • Don’t overuse lingo or industry jargon like Digital Transformation, Innovative, etc
  • Find a healthy frequency for your email marketing, social media posts, or ads
  • You have to convey that you have the solution, credibility, history, consistency to do the job well
  • Warming leads is better. Cold emailing prospect is like trying to cook in the dark
  • The more longer the sales cycle the more you need relationships
  • Try to genuinely care and comment and /or engage
  • Stop pretending you’re an old friend wanting to connect
  • Be careful who you partner and associate with
  • Building your business values and your individual values before asking for the sale
  • Hop on industry or media relevant trends sometimes but think it through very very well
  • If you discount somethings, be clear
  • If something is FREE let it be free.
  • If there are conditions / terms clearly state it in simple English or in the language for your target
  • Sometimes you repeat and sometimes you change it up
  • Make sure you have a clear process or step-by-step logical flow
  • If your target is okay with no-frills then give no-frills
  • Become a thought leader and commit to your expertise
  • Establish yourself as a resource
  • Be authentic not a fake but maintain good healthy values
  • Be aware of industry trend
  • Improve your communication skills
  • Improve your interpersonal skills
  • Occasionally show your passion and purpose
  • Have a few credible employees do public speaking or events
  • Develop your Critical-thinking skills, Analytical skills, Creativity skills
  • Content in the form of educational or entertaining not sales pitch
  • Attempting to reconnect with customers after long periods of silence should be evaluated
  • Shock content could be used occasionally however think it through
  • Remember all advice has to be taken with a grain of salt, regardless of the source
  • Do your homework on the people and organizations you’re taking advice from


Format email messages for successful delivery.

  • Format messages according to the Internet Format Standard
  • If your messages are in HTML, format them according to HTML standards
  • Don’t use HTML and CSS to hide content in your messages. Hiding content might cause messages to be marked as spam.
  • Message From: headers should include only one email address, for example: From:
  • Make sure every message includes a valid Message-ID
  • Web links in the message body should be visible and easy to understand. Recipients should know what to expect when they click a link.
  • Sender information should be clear and visible.
  • Message subjects should be accurate and not misleading

(source Google)


Hey you are responsible to yourself, workers, stakeholders, clients, city, family, customers, vendors, partners, etc to adopt best practices that help you stay in business longer. There are many resources that tell you and show you how to do things properly & professionally a.k.a Best Practices.

Email marketing as a tactic has being around for so long and yet people & businesses still think blasting your messages to everyone at every hour is a good idea. Stop doing the time wasting and money wasting things and find ways to get your credible message to the right buyers/users.

Your homework Is to find the best practices for the marketing tactics below and try them on your business or find a credible service provider to help you. Do it today because you want better results and you want to stop annoying customers.



Buying brand or content placement in a publication, website, search engine, social network, etc.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

A paid marketing tactic that displays digital advertising in media where you pay only when someone clicks on your content.

Advertorial / Sponsored Content

Most likely a type of paid marketing tactic in which you buy placement of content that looks like the typical kind of content that appears on some sites / magazine ….sometimes labeled as sponsored content.

Endorsement / Advocacy / Influencer

When someone has an influence over a segment of the population, or group they may give positive review of your brand, product, or service in exchange for the right incentive


Usually common when a user / customer has used your product or services and wants to share their experience.

Case Study

It is basically like telling a story. Who, What, When, Why and How, A positive customer story which typically details the problem they were facing, how your product or service solved the problem, and the results your solution produced for the customer.

Referral / Word of Mouth

You basically are receiving prospects from people who were happy with your business. Sometimes incentivized and sometimes it’s not.


Getting customers / prospects to interact with you, your brand, your employees, your content. Which helps to create long lasting relationships.


People are social animals. The occasional hangout, event, conference, camping trip, helps to build bonds, support, contacts, education, friendships, loyalty, etc.


Including the actual name of the person you’re communicating with in the content you’re sharing. This can make the difference between someone reading your email or not.

Marketing Automation

It’s usually done with a software tool. It basically simplifies and automates the process of sending lots of email at different times, to different people, different content, different conditions, etc.

Co-Branding / Partnership

When your brand collaborates with another business to create content that attracts a mutually beneficial target audience.

Content Curation

Can be very powerful if you just clearly state the source / author of the content. When you gather content from sources you don’t own then share with your prospects, site visitors.


People love playing games. If you design a way your service, rewards, etc can seem like a game you could stand out from the crowd. Entertainment is a powerful marketing tactic.

Research & Data

If you want to do better and deliver better you have do your research and embrace data. Gaining, leveraging, and sharing insight is a very rewarding thing. It’s like Ray Dalio sharing his knowledge and research through his books. “The Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed or Fail” & “Principles For Navigating Big Debt Crises”


Sometime you have content that could be updated, repackage, rewritten, change language, etc and distributed. It’s a way to optimize and increase it’s value and reach.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is still important because must buying journey still begins with a search engine. So an SEO tactic is a way to try to get site, content,video to be easily discovered by your target.


Yes this is the one that helped inspire this content. All that daily email in our mailbox by Robert K (Hint: Something Dad ….Poor Dad). There’s just too much email and not a lot of time and attention so make your email count. One way, is to make sure the person welcomes your email. Two, Don’t send more than two promo or content a day. We could provide more however that’s your assignment if you want to stop wasting time & money.

Take Away

As a service provider, either big or small. you are the service. Your people are the service which means what goes in is usually what comes out. If your CPA, Professional Service Business, Construction Service, Financial Service is able to get their  marketing and strategies right the first time. . .the better it will be for your business. Also imagine once you have a better reputation and talent, the better you can attract more better and profitable clients.

Please, feel free to engage us about your service business challenges or this content. Via form below or on BJM

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